
Boards & Commissions Vacancies

Upcoming Vacancies
  • Upcoming vacancies and terms that are expiring will be posted here and updated as they open.
  • In filling an expiring seat the Delegation members may choose to reappoint the member or elect someone new. 
  • Individuals interested in applying for ANY seat must complete a Questionnaire located in the FORMS tab on the left hand side of the main Legislative Delegation page. 
  • Individuals interested in applying for a seat on the FOSTER CARE REVIEW BOARD must also complete a CONSENT TO RELEASE INFORMATION form found on the FORMS tab on the left hand side of the main Legislative Delegation page.  You will also find step by step instructions for completing this form on the FORMS tab as well.
  • Individuals interested in applying for a seat on the Registration and Elections Board must complete the "Questionnaire for Registration and Elections Board" application.
  • Please email any questions and applications to
*Applicant's names will be updated daily to reflect any new applications.*
*If you wish to apply, please submit a board questionnaire to  
Pickens County Board of Disabilities and Special Needs Accepting applications for a vacant seat
Pickens County Transportation Commission Accepting applications for a vacant seat
Pickens County Registration and Elections  Accepting applications for a vacant seat 