
Public Service Commission

This department is responsible to protect human health and the environment through proper treatment of wastewater discharges to surface waters of Pickens County and to comply with the regulations handed down from SCDHEC and USEPA.

Public Service Commission
For the past two decades, the Commission has focused on improved wastewater treatment (leading to cleaner rivers and streams), more treatment capacity for expanding service to residential, commercial and industrial customers, and consolidating many small treatment facilities into fewer facilities for improved efficiency.  Today, the Commission serves unincorporated Pickens County, Liberty and Central, operates 6 wastewater facilities, and maintains 2.9 million gallons per day of treatment capacity.

Capital Projects, Recently Completed and Soon to Begin

1. 18-Mile Upper Septage Receiving Station, 2016
2. 18-Mile Middle gravity sewer to Chastain Road Schools, 2012 

Tour the 18-Mile Creek Upper WWTP

  • Call 843-5808 and arrange a tour. Please give one week’s notice.

Public Service Commission Frequently Asked Questions
Q: In what areas do you provide sewer in the county?
A: We serve areas outside the municipalities service areas in the 12-Mile Creek Basin, 18- Mile Creek Basin and the Saluda River Basin. For specific locations, please call 843-5808.

Q: Whom do I call to get water service?
A: You will need to call your nearest water provider’s office or the city hall of your nearest

Q: Whom do I call to get a septic tank permit and a “perk” test?
A: You will need to call the SCDHEC Environmental Health office at 898-5832.

Q: Can an industry dispose of waste in the sewer?
A: Non-domestic waste water must be permitted. All industry must submit an Industrial Pretreatment Discharge Permit Application.

Q: What is an Availability Fee?
A: A one-time charge to new customers to help defray the cost of sewer infrastructure.

Public Service Commission
151 Clearwater Drive
Liberty, SC  29657
Phone: (864) 843-5808
Fax: (864) 843-5818
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