
Recreation Funding Advisory Board

Agendas and Minutes
Agendas Minutes
01/26/2021 Meeting Agenda 01/26/21 Approved Minutes
02/04/2021 Meeting Agenda 02/04/21 Approved Minutes
02/17/2021 Meeting Agenda 02/17/2021 Approved Minutes
02/25/2021 Meeting Agenda 02/25/2021 Approved Minutes
03/01/2021 Meeting Agenda 03/01/2021 Approved Minutes
05/05/2021 Meeting Agenda  
05/18/2021 Meeting Agenda  
03/03/2022 Meeting Agenda 03/03/2022 Approved Minutes
03/11/2022 Meeting Agenda 03/11/2022 Meeting Minutes
03/24/2022 Meeting Agenda 03/24/2022 Meeting Minutes
04/01/2022 Meeting Agenda  
02/21/2023 Meeting Agenda 02/21/2023 Meeting Minutes
03/08/2023 Meeting Agenda 03/08/2023 Meeting Minutes
02/15/2024 Meeting Agenda 02/15/2024 Meeting Minutes
03/07/2024 Meeting Agenda  

To receive, collect, and maintain funding requests from recreational organizations within the county and make recommendations to Council for the application of appropriations.

Enabling Legislation: Ord. No. 535, 5-1-2017

The recreation funding advisory board shall be composed of six members; residents of the county, who shall be appointed by the majority vote of the county council, duly assembled. Six members, with one member being a resident of each council district, shall serve a four-year term, or until a successor in office is duly appointed. Provided however, that for the initial appointment following the effective date of this section, all even numbered district members will serve a two-year term.

County council shall appoint commissioners in accordance with its established policy for appointments to boards and commissions.

The board shall annually elect a chairman, a vice-chairman, and a secretary, provided that the secretary may be a county employee designated by the administrator for such purpose. The board shall meet at least once per budget cycle, and at other times as called by the chairman or upon the written request by a majority of the member. A quorum for the transaction of business shall require the presence of at least four members of the commission at any regular or specially called meeting. The commission shall report on its activities in writing to the county administrator or as requested by the council.

The board shall receive, collect, and maintain funding requests from recreational organizations within the county. The board shall consider such requests annually and make recommendations to county council for the allocation of appropriations, provided however, that the board may meet from time to time and make further recommendations as may be needed to address emergency and/or unanticipated circumstances.

All applications for funding must be submitted in writing to the secretary of the board on or before January 31 of each year for consideration for the following fiscal year's budget. Applications must include, at least, the following information:
  • Name and address of organization.
  • Tax identification number of organization.
  • A copy of the bylaws, certificates of existence, and/or mission statement of the organization.
  • If a first time applicant, an indication thereof. If an existing applicant, a report on the use of county recreational funds from the previous year(s).
Recommendations for funding are to be submitted by the board to the county administrator on or before March 1 of each year. Successful applicants will be notified after the final approval of the fiscal year budget.

Any district's funding allocation that is not distributed annually will revert to the general fund of the county, provided however, that organizations may request that annual funding be retained by the organization as a part of a written capital improvement plan that is submitted along with the information required. The board may also recommend carrying forward any district's undistributed funds provided that the board recommend same in writing, detailing the specific proposed purpose for such carried over funds.