
Council Redistricting

Redistricting is the process of redrawing the lines of districts from which public officials are elected. It typically takes place after each census to accommodate population changes over the previous decade. Following the 2020 Census, Pickens County needed to adjust the county council boundaries to be within the required population range based on our new total population of 131,404 and our "target population" of 21,900 for each of the six districts. 

Please watch this information video prepared by our County GIS Department to see the changes to the council districts lines:

To achieve the smallest deviation from the target population in all six council districts, four voting precincts were reassigned, based on the requirements in state law and on the criteria outlined in Resolution 2021-26A RESOLUTION TO ADOPT REDISTRICTING CRITERIA FOR PICKENS COUNTY COUNCIL DISTRICTS BASED UPON THE 2020 U.S. CENSUS.